Grean: Giving you a chance to offset your carbon footprint

What do we do? What is our purpose? 
Carbon Offsetting by planting trees and investing in our forest

In the last few years, there has been a worldwide wake-up call regarding climate change. The world is heating, sea level is rising, species are disappearing, wildfires are consuming more and more acres of wild forest. Given that, many people have become aware that they need to do something to help. And everyone can do something. From recycling to reducing your flight miles, from using your car less to changing to an electric vehicle altogether. There are many ways we can reduce our negative impact on the world, every single one of us. With each passing day, more methods to do it become available, and now we have developed ours, which I will now explain.

Our methods are quite simple. If interested, you can make a donation to our cause, which will be used to preserve a forest or create a new one, by planting trees. This has benefits for the environment in more than one way. Since it will always be a coordinated effort with responsible authorities, the forests in our care will be sustainable, filled with native species, and representative of all the desired biodiversity. 

Why do we care about these details? It is simple. Over the last decades, wildfires have been increasing all over the world. And proportionally, studies relating the status of the forests and the possibilities of adjusting them to help fight and prevent wildfires have grown as well. And we will respect those studies, as well as the opinion of the professionals and scholars of the field.

What do we offer?

Our project is based on three major axis: Information, taking action on the world, and finally, traceability.

We supply a Carbon Footprint Calculator so that you can calculate how much impact you or your family have on the world with your routine, based on an algorithm developed solely for the purpose.

We, in accordance with the guidelines from institutions and organizations, from all over the world, share information that will help you reduce your carbon footprint, by dropping or adapting your consuming habits and routines in order for you to become environmentally friendly.

Taking action as we stated at the beginning of the article, supporting and creating new forests.

Finally, traceability. We will ensure every investment is traceable, to the core. You can check where the money has been invested. We supply GPS coordinates in order to visit the site or to remotely watch the location via satellite imaging.

See? Quite simple! Join us, and let's make the world Greaner!